[FIRST NAME GOES HERE]'s summer of joy

Last May, I had a brilliant idea.

I was hiking in Laguna Beach, and it was the first truly warm* day of 2021.

My pale skin turned rosy pink and a soft brown line formed on my bicep, creating a comical farmer's tan.

Finally, I thought. Summer is coming!

Hiking brings me immense joy, Reader, and that's when the idea hit me:

I'll make a Summer List!

I'd planned to go home, open a spreadsheet, and make a list of all the activities I wanted to do this summer. Things like...

  • Eat vanilla soft serve ice cream with rainbow sprinkles
  • Visit the Santa Monica Pier and ride the Pacific Wheel (barring any COVID restrictions)
  • Swim in the ocean at least 5 times
  • Write a short fairytale about a girl who transforms into a firebird

I never did make the spreadsheet. I went home after my long hike, took a shower, and passed out.

There's something about summer that slows us down.

Maybe it's the heat that makes us feel like we're swimming through a big pool of goopy molasses.

Maybe we pushed too hard all winter and spring, and summer's job is to say, "Stop. Go take a nap in your hammock."

Woman's feet up in a hammock with a book in her lap.

Slowing down can feel exquisite. It can feel joyful.

That's why I'm bringing back the Write for Joy! Challenge by popular demand.

The Write for Joy! 5-Day Challenge isn't about productivity.

It isn't about smashing your writing goals or getting published.

It's about slowing down.

It's about gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and the story you want to share.

It's about harnessing the power of creativity as a portal to your deepest joy.


We'll meet daily on Zoom for "Joy Gatherings." Calls are short––just 30-minutes.

You'll hear a very brief talk on a joyful writing theme.

Then you'll spend ample time co-writing with other writers using a soul-diving writing prompt.

You’ll learn, share challenges, ask questions, and co-write with JOY!


The Challenge will run from July 19-23.

The Live Joy Gatherings are from 10:00-10:30 am Pacific time.


I'll let past Challengers answer that question:

"I love how this Challenge is bringing up more creativity in me. I know that the fact that I have been having really crazy dreams that I am remembering means that my creative juices are flowing again. Yay!"

– Julia Karr | Bloomington, Indiana | YA Dystopia & Fantasy

"I feel so much more joyful! I didn't even have the courage to write but taking this course has helped me let go of my insecurities."

Marie | Bridgeville | Fiction

"I'm so excited to get more active with my writing. I've loved the daily themes because they really speak to values I hold dear, but you've helped me feel closer to them and live them more fully! And I've been writing more!"

Erin Raley | Lancaster, PA | Nonfiction


  • Shorter and fresher talks on the daily themes.
  • MORE time for co-writing –– yay!
  • Fewer days in the Challenge so it's workable for your life. You'll feel super accomplished by the end of the week.

Ready to make Summer 2021 a season of creative joy?

Write on,

*PS – I realize it's "warm" 365 days of the year in Southern California, which is why I love living here. 😉

PPS – You'll tap into even more joy when you invite a friend to take the Challenge with you. Forward them this email or text them this link to sign up.

Renee Long Writes

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